Allene NortonBuilding a Nested Select Dropdown in React with Material UI: Part 1When working on a project for a client, I was asked to build a dropdown menu that could display a list of filters and their children and…Feb 1, 2021Feb 1, 2021
Allene NortonQuick-Start Guide: Custom ValidationsRails allows you to add validations to any of your models. Rails comes with a built in set of validations you can learn more about here…Jan 26, 2021Jan 26, 2021
Allene NortonQuick-Start Guide to SMTP Settings in Rails 6 EnvironmentsRails 6 allows you to create applications that send automated emails using its Action Mailer feature. In order to use this feature, you…Jan 18, 2021Jan 18, 2021
Allene NortonQuick-Start Guide to Environment Credentials in Rails 6A quick-start guide for setting and accessing credentials for Rails environmentsJan 12, 2021Jan 12, 2021
Allene NortonActs As Taggable On Gem: How-To and Use CasesI recently adapted an open-source Rails application to connect volunteers to volunteer opportunities for a non-profit contract. The app…Jan 4, 2021Jan 4, 2021
Allene NortonDeploying a Rails 6 app to DigitalOcean’s New ‘Apps’ FeatureI recently had to navigate deploying a Rails 6 app to DigitalOcean for a contract, and as a relatively new developer, there were a few…Dec 28, 2020Dec 28, 2020
Allene NortonCreating a Ruby CLI Journal Application, Part 3: Styling, Flow, and ASCII ArtClick here for part one and here for part twoOct 23, 2020Oct 23, 2020
Allene NortonCreating a Ruby CLI Journal Application, Part 2: Methods, Using an API, and CredentialsRead part one of this series here…Oct 23, 2020Oct 23, 2020
Allene NortonCreating a Ruby CLI Journal Application, Part 1: Models, Relationships, and Creating a DatabaseFor our Module 1 project at Flatiron School, we were tasked with creating a CLI application using object-oriented programming in Ruby. For…Oct 23, 2020Oct 23, 2020